One of my winter chores is to get images into my searchable database that have fallen through the cracks or been placed on the "to do" list. Some of those I discovered today when looking for images of the stadium at the Kentucky Horse Park from the World Equestrian Games last fall. During the 17 days of shooting I nearly filled a TB drive with images. I can't imagine how I would not be done editing. :} (In my defense I did come right back to PA and go straight back to the paper.) So in my search for requested images that I knew I had but couldn't find in the database, I discovered I hadn't edited the files from the first two days prior to the games starting. Including stitching the panoramics together. (If I remember correctly I have a few more to do, I just have to keep going through the files. 092410wegpano1b 092410wegpano2b 092410wegpano3b 092710wegpano1b